
Can You Find Positivity During COVID-19? Absolutely!

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The word positivity is not a word one would think aligns with COVID-19.  The question is, WHY NOT?  In a moment of individuals losing their jobs, stock market volatility, children home from school, sickness and death, and last but not least, being quarantined, positivity does not seem like it should be the word of choice.  Let’s challenge this thinking for a minute. Thinking Positive During Covid-19 Losing jobs and having massive layoffs is truly difficult to manage.  It affects lives, families, and financial welfare. When we think about it, however, human beings have lost their jobs for years, recessions have caused massive layoffs, but yet…we survive. We recover. Human beings are resilient, and during such times of stress and fear, we still move forward.   Stock market volatility is simply said “A GIVEN”.  It’s up, its down, and even when the economy fell apart in 2008, being labelled the largest point drop in history. Guess what… it regained its strength, and …