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These are books written within the field of Psychology that clients have found very helpful. With the exception of Healing the Wounds In Couple Relationships, the books are all available through


The Grief Recovery Handbook by James and Friedman

This book offers a complete guide to dealing with grief. It explains the grieving process and has many practical exercises to help one work through grief and understand its stages.

When Bad Things Happen to Good People by Harold S. Kushner

This is another popular book that has helped many people deal with loss in their life.


How To Make Peace With Your Past And Get On With Your Life by Dr. Sidney B. Simon and Suzanne Simon

A great book on the healing process and the part forgiveness plays.

Mental Health

The Last Taboo by Scott Simmie and Julia Nunes

The Canadian Mental Health Association refers to this book as “the best and most practical book ever written about mental illness and mental health in Canada. Over three million Canadians suffer from mental disorders. This book helps to dispel the stigma associated with mental illness.

Neurosis And Human Growth: The Struggle Towards Self-Realization by Karen Horney

An in-depth and fascinating book looking exploring our real-authentic-possible self vs. our idealized-imagined-impossible one.


Getting The Love You Want by Harville Hendrix

This hopeful book has been used effectively by many couple therapists. It is written by a relationship expert who tells us how we choose partners at an unconscious level that relates to our family of origin. He also gives many concrete helpful ways to improve our significant other partnership.

Keeping the Love you Have by Harville Hendrix

An excellent follow-up to his earlier book Getting the Love you Want.

Healing the Couple Wounds in Couple Relationships by Martin Rovers

This is another very good book on healing couple relationships. It gives us much insight and many practical approaches to improving couple relationships.

The Seven Principles of Making Marriage Work by John Gottman

A practical guide to a long-lasting marriage written by a giant in the couple therapy world

Mating in Captivity: Unlocking Erotic Intelligence by Esther Perel

An examination of the complexities of sustaining desire by a well-respected voice on erotic intelligence. We are invited to explore the paradoxical union of domesticity and sexual desire and learn what it takes to bring lust home.

Absent Fathers, Lost Sons (especially for men) by Guy Corneau

A renowned and powerful book by an international lecturer and Jungian analyst on the impact on sons of growing up with an unavailable or absent father. This book has big impact on its reader.

The Rag and Bone Shop of the Heart: Poems for Men (with James Hillman and Michael Meade) by Robert Bly

This is an author and poet who is widely known for his work with men. This book is said by some to be one of the deepest and most varied collection of poems about the male experience ever assembled.

The Road Less Travelled by Scott Peck M.D.

A classic all-time best seller on the new psychology of love written by a forerunner in the field of spiritual psychology. This book has made him an international lecturer. It combines love science and religion into a map for personal growth. It’s a compassionate and compelling story where the author shares his own life and struggles.

Hold Me Tight by Sue Johnson

Based on the Emotional Focused Therapy, this approach has been well researched and has proven itself to offer valuable insight for couples.

After the Affair; Healing the Pain and Rebuilding Trust When a Partner Has Been Unfaithful by Janis Abrahms Spring

Provides invaluable information and advice for both partners—the betrayed and the betrayer. Discusses the typical reactions of both parties and how to respond to these reactions, helping you to understand what is happening to you and what you can do about it.


It’s important to be informed about your partner’s anatomy and sexual physiology.

Joy of Sex by Alex Comfort (a classic)

For Each Other by Lonnie Barbach

The New Male Sexuality by Bernie Zibergeld


I'll Quit To-Morrow by Vernon Johnson

It'll Never Happen to Me by Claudia Black

Another Chance by Sharon Wescheider-Cruse

I Want To Change My Life: How To Overcome Anxiety, Depression And Addiction by Steven M Melemis

Of Course, You're Angry: A Guide to Dealing with the Emotions of Substance Abuse by Gayle Rosellini, Mark Worden

The Spirituality Of Imperfection: Storytelling And The Search For Meaning by Ernest Kurtz and Katherine Ketchan.

This book successfully relates the spirituality of Alcoholics Anonymous and its Twelve Step program, to the other major spiritual traditions of the world. It is related in such a way that the non member of these programs can appreciate the depth and importance of this movement for everyone


When Anger Hurts by Matthew McKay, Peter Rogers, Judith McKay

An excellent and practical book on managing anger problem.

Stop The Anger by Kathy Garber

Also, a first-rate, useful book on managing anger problems.

The Dance of Anger (especially for women) Harriet J. Lerner

This book is directed more toward women but is helpful for women and men alike. The author has written many books, particularly for women’s issues. She helps all of us learn to express our anger in an effective way and describes the traps into which women, in particular, tend to fall in expressing their anger so that it becomes ineffective.

The Dance of Intimacy by Harriet J. Lerner

Directed toward women in intimate relationships.

Anxiety and Panic

The Anxiety and Phobia Workbook by Edmund J. Bourne, Ph.D.

A great book with practical strategies on how to overcome panic, anxiety and stress.

Don’t Panic, Taking Control of Anxiety Attacks, by Reid Wilson


Boundaries When to Say Yes When to Say No by Cloud and Townsend

This book is immensely popular and one of the best books written on boundaries. It is written by psychologists from a Christian perspective. It shows how to set reasonable boundaries and makes personal boundaries easier to define and view them in the context of personal growth. This is one of the best books written on the necessity of putting boundaries in place in relationships and their use as a way of being assertive. It has many scriptural references so may not appeal to all.


Codependent No More by Melody Beattie

Beyond Codependence by Melody Beattie


Feeling Good by David Burns

This book has helped many people to help themselves when they are suffering from depression. However it is not to be substituted for therapy.

Mind Over Mood by Dennis Greenberg and Christine Padesky

A cognitive therapy treatment manual for clients; offers valuable tools and practical strategies to help those who are suffering from depression.

Life Meaning

Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor E. Frankl ( Harold S. Kushner, William J. Winslade)

Obsessions / Compulsions

Stop Obsessing; How to Overcome your Obsessions & Compulsions, co-authored by Reid Wilson


Definitive work on self-esteem by the leading pioneer in the field.

The Psychology of Self-Esteem by Nathaniel Branden

The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem by Nathaniel Branden

Shame and Guilt

Shame & Guilt by Ernest Kurtz

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  • Individual Therapy
  • Child & Adolescent Therapy
  • Marriage, Couple, & Family Therapy
  • EMDR
  • Online & Video Counselling
  • Psychoeducational Assessments
  • Also serving clients from Bonnyville and surrounding area